

Do Pelvic Floor Chairs work

Do Pelvic Floor Chairs Work?

Do the new Pelvic Floor Chairs Work? There’s a new wave of technology based on electromagnetic waves which have been developed to improve your pelvic floor. They claim to help with many health issues including incontinence and better control of pelvic floor among other benefits.

The question is do Pelvic Floor Chairs work? And how do they work?

There are multiple version of the Pelvic floor chair on the market, including Emsella, Ultra Tesla Seat and EvoSculpt Pelvic Floor. They all emit a very strong wave which causes your Pelvic Floor muscles to contract thousands of times.

I have one of these Pelvic Floor Chairs in my salon in Wigan, so here I’m giving you my honest opinion of how well they work.

During each session you will sit fully clothed on the chair. It uses electromagnetic technology to stimulate 12,000 muscle contractions with no pain. The Pelvic Floor are the muscles which stretch like a hammock below the bladder, uterus, and bowels.

Studies have shown that pelvic floor chairs can improve stress urinary incontinence by 95%

Here’s a diagram of what’s going on in this treatment:

Do Pelvic Floor Chairs Work

You do feel a tingling sensation of your muscles working over and over again but it’s a non invasive treatment with virtually no side effects and you don’t even need to undress.

This treatment can help both men and women. If you;

– want to restore control of your bladder.
– go to the bathroom frequently and can’t wait.
– get up multiple times in the night to use the bathroom.
– have accidents when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise.
– have changed your lifestyle to try to avoid accidents.
– are noticing decreased intimate satisfaction.
– want to strengthen your pelvic floor either as a preventative exercise or because you have noticed the effects of it becoming weaker, such as urinary incontinence.
– would like a non-invasive treatment to improve incontinence.

You are advised to have  4-8 sessions in total, ideally 1-2 per week.

The results of Pelvic Floor Chairs

Length of results from Emsella and Pelvic Floor Chairs will also vary according to your health condition. Clinical studies show that many patients maintain their results for 6 months after their treatment course.

This is what I experience in my own clinic, and have many happy patients as a results of their treatments.

I hope this short article has helped you understand how Pelvic Floor Chairs work.

If you’re considering this treatment – please visit our page here for prices and more information on our Pelvic Floor Chair treatments in Wigan.